Bilder von Rode

Männer-Kirchpelz aus Rode/Kokeltal/Weinland

Männer-Kirchpelz aus Rode/Kokeltal/Weinland

This is a ‘Kirchenpelz’, or ‘church fur’, made in the late 19th century in Transylvania (now in modern-day Romania). It’s made from sheepskin, and is decorated with hand-sewn leather appliqué and brightly coloured embroidery. This coat was more than a fashion item – it was made for the German-speaking Saxon community in Transylvania, and identified the wearer as a member of the Lutheran Church. This coat proclaimed an identity, and was worn specifically for going to church.
Neil MacGregor talks about this exquisite coat in an episode of our partnership #LivingWithTheGods BBC Radio 4 series:
Book tickets to our five-star exhibition here:

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