Studien frage

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schrieb am 01.03.2013, 10:28 Uhr

ich bin Xhingiz und bin neu, ich möchte Euch gern etwas fragen, ich habe diesen Artikel gelesen, und er sagt das in England in etwa bei 7650 Euro pro Studienjahr kostet, und meine frage lautet ob das Wahr ist?

Vielen dank für Ihren Antworten.
Viele Grüßen
schrieb am 01.03.2013, 11:21 Uhr
Take a look:
In England, developments in the funding of higher education were announced in January 2004 when the UK government increased the level of tuition fees that universities were allowed to charge, to £3,000 a year.[2] By 2010/11, maximum fees had increased to £3,290. In 2009, further calls for more funding to be made available to universities[3] resulted in the commissioning of a report from the former chairman of BP John Browne to look into the future of higher education funding.[4] The Browne Review was published on 12 October 2010 and contained proposals to remove the cap on tuition fees. The resulting debate on the proposals sparked protests from students opposed to any rise in tuition fees. Despite these protests the government won a vote in the House of Commons which would result in universities eventually being able to charge students up to £9,000 a year for the annual tuition costs of students. Sixty four universities have announced their intention to charge the full £9,000 allowed by the government from 2012.


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