Ist Ungarn noch demokratisch?

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schrieb am 03.02.2012, 22:04 Uhr (am 03.02.2012, 22:08 Uhr geändert).
Wie war das mit Wizz Air?

Brussels, 24 May 2011

State aid: Commission opens in-depth investigations into State aid to Romanian air transport sector; approves aid for two regional airports in the UK and in Italy

The European Commission has opened two in-depth investigations under EU State aid rules into a Romanian support scheme for investments in regional airports and to ascertain whether certain rebates and discounts granted by the Timisoara airport to some airlines distort competition. The Commission is particularly concerned that the agreements concluded between Timisoara airport and Wizz Air could procure the latter an unfair economic advantage over its competitors. Separately, the Commission approved investment aid mostly to improve access to an airport in Wales and to promote the use of rail and bus to and from the airport in Italy's Friuli Venezia Giulia region having agreed both subsidies were justified and limited in size.

Commission Vice-president in charge of competition policy Joaquín Almunia said: "The Commission has a duty to investigate when it believes public authorities may be granting subsidies that distort the conditions of fair competition. The rules allow subsidies to compensate for services of general interest and, under certain conditions, to improve access infrastructure or to help start up services at regional airports. They do not allow subsidies to cover operating losses on a continued basis."

Regional airports in Romania

As regards the support scheme for investments in regional airports in Romania, the Commission doubts whether the public financing meets a clearly defined objective of general interest, given the apparent oversupply of airport services in Romania. In addition, the Commission needs to assess whether the upgraded infrastructure is necessary and proportional, in particular with a view to the limited activity of the airports. The initial investigation shows that Romania's regional airports are generally loss-making and that their operating losses are covered by the State on a yearly basis. EU rules allow for aid to start up services at regional airports or to cover for services of general economic interest. They do not allow for covering operating losses on a continued basis.

Timisoara airport

As regards Timisoara airport, the Commission also needs to verify whether the annual subsidies granted to the airport only serve to reduce the airport operator's current expenditures. In the absence of a general economic interest purpose, this would be incompatible with EU rules as it would provide an unfair advantage to the beneficiary with regard to its competitors, who have to operate without aid. The Commission will also further investigate the contractual relations between Timisoara airport and Wizz Air, namely a marketing agreement signed in 2008 and the non-payment of airport charges amounting to €2.6 million as well as additional rebates of 72 to 85 % on all airport charges for large aircraft (i. e. aircraft above 70 tons maximum take off weight).

The Commission is concerned such preferential treatment may have the effect of forcing out of the market the only competitor of Wizz Air on some routes.

The opening of the in-depth State aid investigations gives the Romanian government and interested third parties an opportunity to comment on the measures under assessment. It does not prejudge the final outcome of the investigation
Approval of two investment projects in UK and Italy

In separate decisions, the Commission approved two investment projects at the Cardiff (UK) and Friuli Venezia Guilia (Italy) airports.

In the case of the UK, the investment aims to improve accessibility to and connectivity with the airport from the South and West Wales. The public financing complies with all the criteria set in the 2005 EU Aviation Guidelines and the UK authorities demonstrated the public subsidies are necessary and proportional, as they represent 21.4 % of the total investment.

The public financing for Ronchi dei Legionari airport, in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, aims at facilitating the modal shift from road to rail and bus. The investment partly financed by the public authorities concerns the construction of a park-and-ride parking place, a rail station and a bus station at the airport. The Commission found that the public financing is necessary and that the advantages conferred by it are not disproportionate insofar as it does not have an adverse impact on competition and on trade between Member States.

Broader context

The Commission in April invited comments on the application of the 2005 EU Guidelines on the financing of airports and start-up aid to airlines from regional airports. The Commission is also seeking views on the 1994 EU Aviation Guidelines, which contain rules on the assessment of social and restructuring aid for airlines. Submissions can be made until 7 June 2011. In light of the comments received, the Commission will decide, whether the guidelines need to be revised and will consult further before adopting new rules.

The public consultation is available at:

The non-confidential version of the decisions will be published in the Official Journal of the EU and made available under the following case numbers

Romanian regional airports - SA.30931 (N 185/2010)

Timisoara airport, Wizz air and other airlines – SA.31662 (NN/2011)

in the State Aid Register on the DG Competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. New publications of state aid decisions on the internet and in the Official Journal are listed in the State Aid Weekly e-News.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 22:08 Uhr (am 03.02.2012, 22:10 Uhr geändert).

tja wamba, wenn man mal anfangt zu stöbern stößt man auf so manch Interessantes.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 22:52 Uhr
nun, @orbo, alle Fragen geklärt.
Danke @wamba, für die Recherche.
Leider kann Ungarn diese Forderungen der Kommission nicht erfüllen und die Gelder von der Geellschaft nicht zurückfordern.
Malév ist PLEITE, kein Geld mehr da.
Nesze semmi, fogd meg jól.(Da hascht e Nixelche, halts gut fest.)
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:00 Uhr
Lass die Vögel mal ein bisschen auf der Erde brüten.

Sind nicht die einzigen:
Swiss Air , Alitalia und so viele Andere hatten auch schon ihre Probleme.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:10 Uhr
Na ja, eigentlich hat orbos Wizz Air bis Heute auch nur Verluste eingefahren.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:17 Uhr
Nesze semmi, fogd meg jól. :-D

getkiss: ja, steht ja alles in der EU-Presseerklärung
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:18 Uhr
Am Himmel herrscht ein erbitterter Preiskampf zwischen den Airlines.

Hoffentlich sparen sie nicht an der Sicherheit.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:22 Uhr
Wer von Euch kann sich noch an Pan Am erinnern?
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:28 Uhr
Pan Am hat doch zuletzt nur noch vom Monopol gelebt, Berlin anfliegen zu dürfen. Fiel die Mauer, fiel die Pan Am...
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:30 Uhr (am 03.02.2012, 23:33 Uhr geändert).
Pan Am hat doch zuletzt nur noch vom Monopol gelebt, Berlin anfliegen zu dürfen.
Und ich habe auf jedem Flug nach Berlin alle Schlaglöcher über der "DDR" gespürt.

Hey, die war mal die grösste Fluggesellschaft und trotzdem dreht sich unser Planet weiter.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:32 Uhr
Fahren Sie mit der Maus über die Box um die Vorschau anzuzeigen.
Fiel die Mauer, fiel die Pan Am...
Von Benutzern verlinktes Bild - Link zum Bild
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:35 Uhr
Lustig war der Lockerbie-Anschlag nicht, sibihans.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:38 Uhr
Das war er wahrlich nicht.
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:39 Uhr
woran hast Du das Flugzeugwrack erkannt, wamba?
schrieb am 03.02.2012, 23:41 Uhr
Am Cockpit

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